Embassy Security Guard

Attacks on foreign government offices and Diplomatic residences are a common occurrence which demonstrate danger to staff and property. For this reason, the industry has unique security requirements which require high-level of security.

How can you determine whether a security company is suitable for your industry?

Firstly, it is important the security company understand the unique requirements of the Diplomatic Industry.

It also makes sense that the company can provide well-trained and highly experienced security guards in this sector. They must be competent communicator, physically-fit and professional.

A security company with suitable resources and infrastructure to manage Diplomatic Security contracts can assure a high-level of security. Do they invest in leading edge technology and have a well-developed infrastructure that supports their Embassy and Diplomat service such as a 24-hour Control Room, mobile patrols and supervisors on the road day and night?

These are obviously only a few of the several key questions you should ask when seeking a suitable security company. Work closely with your provider and ensure you create a plan precisely tailored to your needs.