Security Guard Awarded the Health & Safety Greencard Award

We would like to congratulate one of our very own , Warren Collins, who recently received a Health and Safety Greencard award.

Under the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015, from a health and safety perspective, Council contractors are also deemed workers of the Council.

Collins, who is based in the Wellington Central Library, went above and beyond in assisting an extremely distressed patron outside the library in Victoria Street. According to Chetan Prasad, the Manager Security, whilst Collins was in the process of checking the Community Room on the Mezzanine floor, he noticed the female patron in a wheelchair feeling very distressed, experiencing pain and discomfort. Collins retrieved a blanket from the sick bay on the second floor to keep the patron warm while they waited for the ambulance to arrive which had already been called in by the Library staff. When the ambulance arrived, Collins briefed the paramedics and remained on site to monitor the situation. A family member of the patron arrived just as she was about to be transported to the hospital.

Both were extremely grateful to the Council staff and Collins for their help and support during this emergency!